What does it feel like when I have a healing with you?

 During a healing a magical many emotions and feelings are experienced. Personally, I feel incredibly light and weightless during sessions. When receiving messages, I receive information in the form of frequencies that emit pulses that travel in the air around the client and me. I begin to feel emotional charges and physical sensations in my body that I can recognise are not my own and helps me navigate and isolate what the client needs support with. I receive messages to help facilitate the clearing necessary for the healing. The client’s higher self gives ultimate permission for a healing to occur, as I cannot override free will and I do not interfere with karmic contracts. I offer support and hold space to help facilitate the light to penetrate the forcefield that the client has erected around themselves in order to survive and function as best they can after accidents and painful experiences. The client can feel safe to be become vulnerable and open to begin healing and begin their internal dialogue.  The temperature of the air around us can change many times, from warm to cool, to hot, to icy. Fragrances can be noticed during frequency fluctuations and many clients tell me they feel tingles and see light and feel surges of energy and rushes of enthusiasm and optimism and inspiration. In many sessions, painful emotional energy that has been stored in muscles for long periods of time, boil before release, so physical pain can be felt very physically as a transformation begins. Very similar to physical pleasure, many clients experience a period of discomfort before a breakthrough and this final push leads us through to our release and the body will release a rush of dopamine into your blood stream rewarding you for your courage to let go and embrace growth and healing. Every time I experience a healing with someone, I'm filled with a very deep sense of peace indescribable fulfillment that fills me with wonderment. 

How do you perform healings?

 At the beginning of a healing, I release my attachment to agenda, linear time and ego/mind. During sessions, I receive messages and information in the form of frequencies that travel in the air round the client and I, in the form of static light. I feel sensations in my body helping me to find out what the client needs support with. Messages in the form of images, fragrances and emotional intelligence (that I can identify as not my own), all helps me begin to facilitate the clearing necessary for the healing. The client’s higher self will give ultimate permission for a healing to occur, as I can only offer support and hold a safe space for the client to experience their own light and love internally, so the client can open to healing and begin their internal dialogue.
During sessions, I look for frequency fluctuations in the client’s chakras, identifying emotional blocks of energy stored in anatomy, i.e. muscles, organs, bones, blood. For some clients, this may have been stored for long periods of linear time and once identified through dialogue or physical touch, I help to facilitate the release. I feel what the client is feeling, during this process and I'm regularly told that my touch is hot to the skin. With the gentle support of the beautiful crystal kingdom energy, I help transmute, encourage and support an emotional breakthrough to occur. This new energy is born from the ashes of that previously held pain, and in some cases, pain can be held for a lifetime or more. Then, transformation is birthed. As an Animal Spirit Medium, I work with the animal, plant and mineral kingdom.

Do you ever have a spirit who doesn’t want to leave your presence?

 Spirits are often so delighted to have been able to relay a message to a loved one they are incredibly grateful and never outstay an invitation. Your loved ones watch over you and travel with you - in some cases they will be traveling in the car with you, on the way to your appointment with me. With animal spirits, I often feel flocks of birds fly through my house and marine life swimming around me and I'm always in such awe that I hope they stay for a while, although they are always purely passing through, showing their gratitude and appreciation. Some domestic pets like dogs will run around for a while after an appointment joyfully, and it's not until my own beloved dog stands up (Puppet my Labrador, 15 years old), that they know it’s time to go again. I have a strong work ethic and deep respect for nature and spirits. My home is delightfully light and always full of invited spirits, fairy folk, animals, crystals, trees and flowers. My mum has developed, over the years, the most incredible and powerful clearing practices, so I'm always calling mum for support in my psychic house work, to keep clear and focused.

How does an animal reading work?

 I'm deeply passionate and deeply connected with animals. I love and appreciate them. When I'm reading for a spirit animal, I'm connecting deeply to your connection with your beloved animal, feeling into your energy and sharing messages from cellular memory and emotional intelligence. When I'm reading for an animal who is present, I'm connecting similar to the way I connect for people explained above - I feel into the authenticity of the animal and hold space for them to share with me their story and they show me images, fragrances and emotional attachment to memories with you and other family members. Together I share with you what they share with me and I help to facilitate a release of any blocks or physical ailments and help soothe and calm any drama held in their physical body. I also often get messages for clients about their animals’ own animal guides and spiritual support and it's always beautiful to share these amazing messages.

Make a booking or get in contact with Shemaine.